Wimble Scale: Moderate, Length: 2.9 miles, Climb: 1000 feet, Time: 2.5 hours
this weekend's hike is Saturday at Sanborn. We'll meet up with the "nearly-6 babes a camping", and there will be a picnic afterwards.
Sanborn is mostly enclosed, with easy to difficult options. Well, actually, Sanborn is a climb. It's easy when you turn around early, moderate when you turn around nearly at the top, and difficult when you go to the top, explore the ridgeline, wrestle a mountain lion, trek through backberry bushes, and descend the mountain at a dead run. We'll mostly do the moderate option or a little more.
We leave here at 9 and begin the hike at about 9:30. Don't forget picnic goodies. It's a potluck affair, so bring a dish to share. There is a camp stove, if we need to heat anything. When we pre-explorered the place recently, only campstoves were allowed - no campfires or pit fires of any flavor.
We may add one or two geo-cache options to the hike, if people are interested and: