Fall Creek, November 16, 2002
Michael Wimble
November 16, 2002

Riffi is about to lead us on the search for the elusive Return Path. You can tell the group is really, really serious about finding The Path.
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We're nearing the region of the last known sighting of The Return Path. Time to fortify ourselves before the great hunt. Note for future hikers. When you reach this tree, turn here. How can you tell when you've found this tree? Well, it's a redwood. Clear now?
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Toadstools, mushrooms, and fungus are in full bloom today. If Robin's going in, Riffi is going with her. If you found the tree for the Return Path, you should eventually come to this stream. If, instead, you come to a highway, you missed the Return Path.
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Success. At this end, the Fall Creek is easy to cross. This doesn't do justice to the beauty of the Fall Creek basin. You need to go there yourself. Fall is a particularly great time.
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I'm not sure if this is why they call it the Fall Creek. There are certainly a lot of fallen trees across the creek. One of the many feeder streams.
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How hard must the trail be that the horse lost his shoe, nails and all, alongside the creek bed? We made the loop, with Riffi's help.
Just another one of the many spectacular views along the creek.