Sanborn Park, August 18, 2002
Michael Wimble

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Before using the hot tub, everyone reads the care, use, and safety instructions. Getting ready to climb into the hot tub.
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Done with the hot tub, now onto the sauna. Ron and Dave, GPS unit in hand, plot where we are on the map.
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Now that Ron and Dave know where we are, they begin their nefarious plan to confuse the rest of us. Lulled into a sense of security, we Conga-line up the trail.
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Madrone, in its best colors. Sun slices the forest.
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A fallen stump at the rest area. Dave, aside to the right, snickers while the rest argue about where we are.
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While most of the rest hike to the top of the ridge, Mike tells Kathy of his suspicions about Dave and Ron's joke. Mike climbs a rock outcropping to see if the rest are on their way back from the ridge line.
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Joanne and Chris were smart enough not to be fooled by Ron and Dave, and didn't go with the rest to the ridge line. One last search for the lost ones before we head down the mountain.
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Joanne, Zona, Ron, Dave, Chris, Sherman, Peggy, and Kathy at the picnic. Kathy recounts how we found our way back in spite of Dave and Ron's best efforts to confuse us.
An unusual joining of redwood trees.