FOM FOK Hiking Group

Hidden Villa


About half of the hike is enclosed and half is exposed. The poison oak has sprung up quite a bit between the end of March and the middle of April. Make sure wear socks and jeans. Hike is easy on the "Wimble Scale." Plan on at least one large water bottle—or more if it is very warm. You can buy cold water in a bottle for $1 at the Visitor's Center. The short, less than 2 mile hike [in blue] will take about an hour and involve about 600 feet of climb. The longer, 2.5 mile hike [in red] will take about an hour and a half or a bit more and involve about 700 feet of climb.


[On map, short trip is in blue, long trip is in red]


See also

Trip Reports

Saturday, March 25, 2000

Kathy and Michael took the short trip as a preview hike. The wild flowers were just beginning to come up.

Saturday, April 15, 2000

Kathy, Michael, and Gwynneth took the long trip. The wild flowers were out en masse.

Copyright © 2000-2002 by Michael Wimble, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED